Hunter Gatherer

Artists respond to the Artemis Collection

Rub a Tub Senior - Invisible Wash Project Space Leeds 2011
Rub a Tub Senior – Invisible Wash Project Space Leeds 2011

Lubaina Himid and Susan Walsh have made a themed selection of obsolete domestic apparatus from the Artemis collection – washtubs, dollies and washboards – which they have assembled with their own materials into a number of sculptures.

Tiny curious onlookers and hungry historians gather to view this memorial landscape which is dedicated to the invisible labour of the women who used them. The artists are both concerned with the power of everyday objects and the making visible of lost lives.

Artists include Amelia Crouch, Lubaina Himid and Susan Walsh, Dinu Li, Rhiannon Silver, Brynds Snbjrnsdttir and Mark Wilson, Lisa Stansbie, Nathan Walker

28 April – 6 August 2011 (Open Bank Holiday weekend 29 and 30 April)

More information on the work shown at Hunter Gatherer


Hunter Gatherer
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