Vernet’s Studio

Transmission Gallery, Glasgow and 5th Havana Biennial, Cuba 1994

A twenty six piece installation featuring art by artists from Georgia O’Keefe to Frieda Kahlo. Audiences were invited to walk amongst the life sized painted wooden cut outs of women from women’s artworks and see how many they could name. The deeply ironic  installation asked questions about the re-writing of the history of the history of art and challenged the cliches about how and where artists make work.

Bridget Riley, Lorna Simpson, Betye Saar, Elizabeth Vigee LeBrun, Paula Rego and Barbara Kruger jostled with Marisol, Barbara Hepworth, Claudette Johnson and Jenny Holzer in a witty 20th century reconstruction of Vernets Studio.

Verne’s Studio: Display, Conflict & Immortality

Vernet’s Studio