Transmission Gallery, Glasgow and 5th Havana Biennial, Cuba 1994
A twenty six piece installation featuring art by artists from Georgia O’Keefe to Frieda Kahlo. Audiences were invited to walk amongst the life sized painted wooden cut outs of women from women’s artworks and see how many they could name. The deeply ironic installation asked questions about the re-writing of the history of the history of art and challenged the cliches about how and where artists make work.
Bridget Riley, Lorna Simpson, Betye Saar, Elizabeth Vigee LeBrun, Paula Rego and Barbara Kruger jostled with Marisol, Barbara Hepworth, Claudette Johnson and Jenny Holzer in a witty 20th century reconstruction of Vernets Studio.
Verne’s Studio: Display, Conflict & Immortality
A Barbara Hepworth Born 1903 Died 1975 –
Figure of a Woman (1929)
B Gwendolyn Knight Born 1913 Died 2005
– Ritual
C Frida Khalo Born1907 Died 1954 –
Marxism Will Give Health to the Sick
D Edmonia Lewis
Born 1843 died 1909 –
Hagar in the Wilderness 1868
E Marie Laurencin
Born 1885 died 1956 –
Portraits 1915
F Meret Oppenheimer
Born 1913 –
Object (le dejeuner en fourrure)
G Mary Cassatt
Born 1844 died 1926 –
Woman in Black at the Opera
H Elizabeth Vigee Lebrun Born 1755 died 1842 –
Portrait of the Marquise de Jaucourt 1789
I Lorna Simpson
Born 1960 –
Water bearer 1968
(She saw him disappear by the river : they asked her to tell what happened only to discount her meaning)
J Rosemary Trockel
Born 1952 –
Balaclava 1986
K Betye Saar
– The Liberation of Aunt Jemima 1972
L Georgia O’Keefe
Born 1887 died 1986 –
Thigh Bone with Black Stripe
M Marisol
Born 1930 –
Untitled 1982
N Claudette Johnson
Born 1959 –
Untitled 1982
O Faith Ringgold
Born 1930 –
Tar Beach (I will always remember when the stars fell down around me & lifted me up above the George Washington Bridge)
P Jenny Holzer
Born 1950 –
Untitled with Selections from Truisms 1984 (Analyze History)
Q Gwen John
Born 1876 died 1939 –
Dorelia in a Black Dress 1903/4
R Paula Rego
Born 1953 –
Crivelli’s Garden 1991
(The Visitation)
S Maud Sulter
Born 1960 Died 2008 –
Quelques instants plutard, Monique cherchait sa brose a cheveux 1993
T Barbara Kruger
Born 1945 –
We don’t need another hero
U Lubaina Himid
Born 1954 –
Boxing 1993
V Artemesia Gentileschi Born 1593 died 1658 –
David & Bathsheba circa 1642
W Ethel Walker
Born 1861 died 1951 –
Companions 1942
X Augusta Savage
Born 1892 Died 1962 –
Lift every voice and sing 1939