Talking on Corners, Speaking in Tongues

Harris Museum & Art Gallery 2007

Talking on Corners Speaking in Tongues 2007
Talking on Corners Speaking in Tongues 2007

Talking On Corners Speaking In Tongues  was a mini retrospective at the Harris Art Gallery and Musuem showing work from selected exhibitions including :

It also included a series of small paperworks/collages/prints


Kangas and Other Stories originally shown in the exhibition Migratory Aesthetics at Leeds University Gallery in 2006

Selected pieces from this work were also shown at Peg Alston Gallery New York in 2008


Talking on Corners, Harris Museum
Talking on Corners, Harris Museum


Talking on Corners, Harris Museum
Talking on Corners, Harris Museum was also shown as part of the exhibition Fabrications at C.U.B.E. in Manchester other artists included Sarah Carne, Adam Chodzko, Nathan Coley, Layla Curtis, and Sarah Waring - part of Talking on Corners – part of Talking on Corners

Plan B

Plan B paintings were originally shown as Plan B a solo exhibition at Tate St Ives in 1999/2000 one of the paintings from the show the iconic Plan B was later acquired by for the contemporary collection by Birmingham City Art Gallery.

Plan B
Plan B


Distance No Object

Distance No Objects paintings were shown in the group exhibition Distance No Object at the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle County Durham, in 2005. Other artists in the show included Patricia Walsh, Mark Parkinson and Susan Walsh

Distance No Object
Distance No Object


Distance No Object
Distance No Object


Distance No Object
Distance No Object

Naming The Money

Naming The Money consisted of 100 painted life-sized wooden cut out figures, originally shown at the Hatton Gallery Newcastle in 2004, which explored the multiple themes of naming, belonging, invisibility and survival.

Naming the Money - Harris Museum & Gallery Preston
Naming the Money – Harris Museum & Gallery Preston

The exhibition also included a soundtrack with music and voice as well as the original Naming The Money Paperworks.

Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks
Naming the Money paperworks

Selected pieces from Naming The Money were also shown as part of Uncomfortable Truths at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in 2007


Talking on Corners, Speaking in Tongues