Rochdale Art Gallery and South Bank Centre, London 1992, Tate Britain 2012

Revenge – A masque in five tableaux
Revenge is a new series of work, taking its place at the forefront of the art of the 1990’s, representing an artist engaging with art and life making use of the gallery as a site for this critical discourse. In ‘Revenge’ Lubaina Himid addresses the feminist critique of painting, she contemplates and re-orders the making of history, she creates work that is both celebration and mourning.
Revenge text by Jill Morgan 1992
This is the year of strategy. This is the time of Change. Lubaina Himid in her new work Revenge, re-states the radical position of women’s art in relation to the dominant culture. A reading of Revenge proposes the co- existence of an alternative voice a continual history of Blackwomen’s creativity.
The locus of Lubaina Himid’s new installation at Rochdale Art Gallery is the making of a monument by women – she carries the argument around modes of representation , modernism and subversion’s objects to the site of the gallery for a discourse between life and art that is right at the cutting edge of our thinking.