Five Black Women

Africa Centre, London 1983

All in Your Head - installation
All in your Head – installation

5 Black  Women : Exhibition of drawings, paintings and sculpture
5th September to 14th October 1983

Lubaina Himid, Houria Niati, Sonia Boyce, Veronica Ryan, Claudette Johnson

The artists have chosen to exhibit together although the work of each is highly individual and makes its own artistic and political statement. As the first major show by women to be mounted in the Africa Centre Gallery the exhibition will demonstrate , both collectively and individually, some of the experiences and concerns of black women whose observations and critique are expressed through art.

Two of the artists are African, two British born of West Indian parentage and one was born in the Caribbean and educated in Britain.


Pandora's Box
Pandora’s Box – Lubaina Himid


Pandora's Box - detail
Pandora’s Box – detail


Family Favourite
Family Favourite
Chairman of the Bored
Chairman of the Bored


Pandoras Box - Africa Centre
Pandoras Box – Africa Centre
Five Black Women