
Negative Positives

Guardian Paper Works 2007

On-going 2007 -2017 British newspapers are often seriously challenged when representing the everyday truths about black people’s lives in text and images but as little time ago as 1985, it was rare to see a black person’s face in print

Moments That Matter

Moments that Matter - Harris Museum - photo ©Denise Swanson

Harris Museum and Art Gallery Preston (2012) Moments that Matter : Trophy Cups is a collaboration between WE PLAY EXPO, Harris Museum & Art Gallery and artists Lubaina Himid, Rebecca Chesney, Susan Walsh and Denise Swanson. On the 25th October 2012 at

Tailor Striker Singer Dandy

Tailor Striker Singer Dandy 2011

Platt Hall, Manchester 2011   12 January–30 April 2011 Lubaina Himid’s work often investigates issues of black identity. In this exhibition at the Gallery of Costume, she has selected from the large West African textile collection in the gallery’s stores

Hunter Gatherers

Rub a Tub Senior – Invisible Wash – Project Space Leeds 2011 Collaborative Project – Lubaina Himid + Susan Walsh We make work about the invisible and the unrecorded. Rub a Tub Senior – Invisible Wash is our most recent

Double Life

Bolton Museum & Art Gallery 2001 These paintings are the result of many jolly hours chatting to my mother and aunt about the time they spent as children just before the Second World War; living a carefully protected life in

Inside the Invisible

St. Jorgens Museum Bergen Norway 2002 The last leprosy patients in Norway died in 1946. They were Europeans. Leprosy is a disease of poverty, neglect and terrible living conditions: this was the reality for many Norwegians until the end of

Venetian Maps

Harris Gallery & Museum 1997 Venetian Maps is a series of nine large works on canvas, mingling memory and loss, fragments and echoes. Venice is a city of secrets, boats and mysteries, tales of love. Beneath the murky waters lie

Vernet’s Studio

Transmission Gallery, Glasgow and 5th Havana Biennial, Cuba 1994 A twenty six piece installation featuring art by artists from Georgia O’Keefe to Frieda Kahlo. Audiences were invited to walk amongst the life sized painted wooden cut outs of women from